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+84 932 157 884
About Us

Cultivating Quality,
Connecting the World

Global Tropic is a brokerage, trading and promotion company focused on agricultural andfood products from Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Our vision is to help bring agriculturaland food items from Vietnam and the Southeast Asian region to the global market.Through trade, we aim to contribute to the development of agriculture in the region andsupport farmers.

As a company, we engage in brokerage, trading and promotion activities to facilitatethe export of various agricultural commodities and foodstuffs from Vietnam andother Southeast Asian countries. Our goal is to connect suppliers from the region withinternational buyers and importers. In addition to generating trade and revenue, we hopeto help farmers and small producers gain access to global consumers and fair prices fortheir goods.

Our Mission & Vision.

What makes us different?

Our Mission

Our mission is to connect Southeast Asia's agricultural and food producers with global markets, fostering economic growth while supporting local farmers and communities through responsible trade.

Our Vission

We envision Vietnam and Southeast Asia as a global hub for high-quality agricultural products, promoting sustainability and prosperity. Our efforts aim to benefit both global consumers and local cultivators through responsible trade and environmental stewardship.

What we do

"Growing Prosperity, Global Connections"

Contact Us


+84 932 157 884

Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro,Republic of the Marshall Islands MH 96960.